Recent reports show that an estimated 2,500 to 3,000 new cases per year of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. Although mesothlioma is relatively uncommon, projections show that its incidence is expected to rise over the next decade.
The first diagnosis of mesothelioma on average occurs between 50 - 70 years of age. Mesothlioma affects men more often than women mostly dues to increased occupational exposure. The disease is also less common in African Americans than it is in white Americans.
As mesothelioma is disease that is difficult to detect in its early stages, often the disease is advanced at its first diagnosis. Accordingly, the average survival period using current treament protocols is a little over one year. When fortunate enough to find the cancer early and treat it aggressively, chances increase significantly of reaching the two year survival point. Approximately 20% or patients diagnosed with mesothelioma are able to achieve a five year survival rate.
Those who live at least five years after their cancer is diagnosed have a good chance to continue living a productive life for many additional years. As treatment therapies continue to advance for mesothelioma, we can expect survival rates to continue to improve as well for those recently diagnosed.
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